5 4 Fighting
New member
Re: >>> RIT Tigers 2011-12 -- Now then, where were we? <<<
Twitter now?
Nope, not true and for the record...never went to RIT on a recruiting trip. Not even on the radar. RIT just never stacked up academically... as witnessed by some of the grads posting on this thread.
Hey 5 4 Crying, feast on this piece of NCAA censorship-deserving load of recruit oriented hogwash: https://twitter.com/#!/But_Greg_Said/status/162958509393186816![]()
It's just dripping with deceit!!!
I don't know who this 5 4 bro is, but from his posts he's clearly making it sound like his daughter got snubbed by RIT on some recruiting trip and it's been one of the most life altering experiences of his life. Don't know if that's true, it's just the picture he's painted for me.
Twitter now?
Nope, not true and for the record...never went to RIT on a recruiting trip. Not even on the radar. RIT just never stacked up academically... as witnessed by some of the grads posting on this thread.
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