Slap Shot
I got nothing
Re: Osama bin Laden Declared Dead
The only fringe I know anything about is on my surrey.
The only fringe I know anything about is on my surrey.
Interesting (and weirdly translated) story on Muslims in India divided over offering prayers for OBL. Bonus point for use of the word "liquidated."
So he's dyeing his hair to appear healthy and powerful, and watching himself on TV to make sure he looks good - talk about narcissism.
I think he knows his audience. Look at Qadaffi... he did something similar over the years... plastic surgeries, dye jobs, etc... Islamic/Arab culture tends to respect power. An old man does not project that nearly as well.
So he's dyeing his hair to appear healthy and powerful, and watching himself on TV to make sure he looks good - talk about narcissism.
TV is powerful. Remember Nixon's "melting face?" And I can't remember who said it, if it was a direct quote, but do you think FDR would be elected today, given he was in a wheelchair?
You may recall there was an anti-Spiro Agnew spot. 30 seconds of his name in large print on screen, with a guy laughing in the background. Doubtful anyone could get away with that now.
Here's the Agnew spot. In '68 he was an up and coming governor of Maryland. We only learned of his reluctance to pay his taxes later. Although failure to pay didn't seem to hurt Harold Washington. He didn't pay for five consecutive years, and his birthday was April 15th.
Anyway, here's the spot. It seems like they were laughing at his lack of experience and his name, which is what wouldn't fly these days.
Nixon/Headless body of Agnew '12That definitely is aggressive, without necessarily taking a direct shot. Wow. Yep, wouldn't fly nowadays.
I suppose I knew it wouldn't last, but despite the unavoidable it's a bit early to trot out partisan platitudes.
Angela Merkel, criminal.
Seriously, can we please stop pretending we care what Europe thinks of us now?
Slap... I hate MN hockey more than pretty much anything. Goldy is still a buck-toothed outcast... At the same time, pretty sure I want to give you the most heterosexual bro-hug ever. It is absolutely ridiculous how politicized each and every national "event" has become. Catching OBL has been a long time (and multiple presidencies) coming. Can't we all just recognize that and rejoice/enjoy/endure as a country? Personally, lets NOT release the photos, just show them to any sitting senator/house representative, and two immediate members from each 9/11 victims family. Pio, I like to think of myself as conservative, but thanks to you, I place myself squarely in the independent camp. Please refit your tinfoil hat as necessary.
F--- Europe. Let's spend Pakistan's foreign aid (or at least 10% of it) on an international relations campaign, and spend the other 90% of it on the debt service.
You seriously think what we've seen is politicizing?
Hell, for most of the past 10 years, terrorism/defense was the only sort of politicizing that the GOP was any good at, and they did it constantly. We haven't started to see that level of politicizing from Obama.
Though I'll grant you -- it's still early.
"It's Bush's fault" or "Bush was worse." Blah, blah, blah. Give the Field Marshall time, he's playing catchup. You say Republicans politicized terrorism/defense. I say Democrats, and particularly the Field Marshall, downplayed the significance of these concerns to please their uber left wing. Look at the multiple promises candidate Obama made and President Obama has vacated (closing Gitmo, etc). It would be nice if the Field Marshall and his AG would drop the "investigations" of terrorist interrogators (who have already been investigated and cleared) who may have uncovered the information that lead to OBL's death. Prosecuting them would be pretty ironic, no?
I dont want to get into this too much, but wasn't it Bush who said Osama is "in a cave and is in no way runiing Al- Queda." And, I believe it was John McCain who said that he wouldnt violate Pakistan's boarders and go in, if there was evidence OBL was there?