Re: Osama bin Laden Declared Dead
It's not worth bothering. Pio's in full-on Glenn Beck mode. He alone grasps the truth, and everyone else is programmed, as if part of some grand conspiracy.
I'm just pointing out that we live in a country where a president can go on location, stand on military hardware, in a flight suit, with a ginormous 'mission accomplished' banner in the background to frame the shot' and proclaim "mission accomplished" (despite most missions of interest not actually having been accomplished, though that's a different story) . . . and 85% of the American public will not bat an eyelash.
And Conservatives are trying to sell voters on Obama's choice of pronouns.
Yes, you read that last sentence correctly. With enemies like Pio, Obama won't even need friends. In political terms, this controversy is verging on Dukakis-in-a-tank levels of stupidity.
That's why I made the point. I don't care if Pio thinks I'm an Obamabot - he's too far gone on this one. The point is, the country should have a serious debate about future counterterrorism policy, Afghanistan policy, Pakistan policy. Left to his own devices, I don't think Obama is going to get it right. Which is why this country doesn't really have time for this silly sh**.
It's not worth bothering. Pio's in full-on Glenn Beck mode. He alone grasps the truth, and everyone else is programmed, as if part of some grand conspiracy.
I'm just pointing out that we live in a country where a president can go on location, stand on military hardware, in a flight suit, with a ginormous 'mission accomplished' banner in the background to frame the shot' and proclaim "mission accomplished" (despite most missions of interest not actually having been accomplished, though that's a different story) . . . and 85% of the American public will not bat an eyelash.
And Conservatives are trying to sell voters on Obama's choice of pronouns.
Yes, you read that last sentence correctly. With enemies like Pio, Obama won't even need friends. In political terms, this controversy is verging on Dukakis-in-a-tank levels of stupidity.
That's why I made the point. I don't care if Pio thinks I'm an Obamabot - he's too far gone on this one. The point is, the country should have a serious debate about future counterterrorism policy, Afghanistan policy, Pakistan policy. Left to his own devices, I don't think Obama is going to get it right. Which is why this country doesn't really have time for this silly sh**.