French Rage
Re: Favorite US Military General?
Grant more or less realized that the North had more people and resources than the South, and that to win they had to throw them towards Richmond until it worked. Which may not seem like the most sophisticated strategy, but it sure beat every previous general's plan of acting so cautious that it took them two years to get any real win in the east. So it got results.
McClellan being one of those generals more happy with preening and waiting than actual doing anything. I think we can all agree that the wrong answer to this thread would definitely be McClellan.
Yes, but despite his faults he managed to turn Lee into his houseboy. Again, I recommend J.F.C. Fuller's "Grant and Lee." Some of the Lee hagiography melts away. Grant apparantly wasn't much good at anything except commanding an army in the field. But at the time, that was a skill in great demand.
Grant more or less realized that the North had more people and resources than the South, and that to win they had to throw them towards Richmond until it worked. Which may not seem like the most sophisticated strategy, but it sure beat every previous general's plan of acting so cautious that it took them two years to get any real win in the east. So it got results.
What was it they called General McClellan? The Virginia Creeper? Grant did no creeping.
McClellan being one of those generals more happy with preening and waiting than actual doing anything. I think we can all agree that the wrong answer to this thread would definitely be McClellan.