Re: Favorite US Military General?
I just nipped you under the wire on a couple of those! If Saladin is to be mentioned then Richard III as well? And I suppose Henry V with the Longbows and all. As for Eugene, I'm torn. I've been reading a lot about the early modern period lately, just finished the Wars of Louis XIV by Lynn tonight, and for all his reputation and achievements, he seemed to lose a lot of battles. Even basically declaring to the Emperor at the end of the War of Spanish Succession, that Villars had a clear military superiority. The same goes for another personal favorite with a massive reputation, Frederick II. I love his mentality and such but he seems to lose as often as he wins and came within the surprise death of Elizabeth to having Prussia destroyed, something so surprising that it is know as the Miracle of the House of Brandenburg.
Still all good additions. Especially Tammerlane.
In addition to Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus must warrants a mention along with Genghis, Hannibal, Alexander, possibly Marius, and Scipio.
Gengis Khan
Alexander the Great
Julius Caesar
Gustuvas Adolphus
Cyrus the Great
The Duke of Marlborough has been mentioned but his co-commander the Austrian Field Marshall Eugene of Savoy has not.
I just nipped you under the wire on a couple of those! If Saladin is to be mentioned then Richard III as well? And I suppose Henry V with the Longbows and all. As for Eugene, I'm torn. I've been reading a lot about the early modern period lately, just finished the Wars of Louis XIV by Lynn tonight, and for all his reputation and achievements, he seemed to lose a lot of battles. Even basically declaring to the Emperor at the end of the War of Spanish Succession, that Villars had a clear military superiority. The same goes for another personal favorite with a massive reputation, Frederick II. I love his mentality and such but he seems to lose as often as he wins and came within the surprise death of Elizabeth to having Prussia destroyed, something so surprising that it is know as the Miracle of the House of Brandenburg.
Still all good additions. Especially Tammerlane.
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