Yeah I thought his tweet about how great things will be for them growing all of the food for domestic consumption, implying that that will mean nothing but great times for them. Let's ignore that they currently focus on things that fetch the best prices in the overall worldwide market, and the focus and supply chain for that has been built over decades, and can't magically start cranking out other goods at the drop of a hat. Especially at the drop of a hat that is picked and re-dropped every other month will the games he appears to be playing with the tariffs. Even if you do re-configure things over time, there's some things we just can't grow.
Listen, if you wanted to have high tariffs to make sure you have complete self-sufficiency, you certainly could give it a try. There's lot of reasons why it would still be a bad idea, but at least it would be an idea. But then it's something you have to plan ahead of time to make sure you have all of the groundwork and coordination laid to produce everything at home. And you have to make the plan, spend several years if not more getting things laid out, and then execute and stick to the plan. Not dangle it around every few weeks like a fucking toy and expect every farm and factory to just change what they're doing at the drop of a hat.