Sorry but you are wrong. People want to see action (even if it is overall performative) and the Dems show zero action or any ability to even organize an action. MAGA can get all huffy they aren't what matters what matters is what the rest of the country thinks and no one trusts the Democrats to do anything but exactly what they did...sit on their hands and hold up signs. Walking out at least makes it look like they care. Look at what Bernie is able to do even now and he is 1000 years old with very little clout...people want to be lead.
It doesnt matter if people watched, they will still see what happened and I promise you they will feel better today than they do right now. And as for the Far Left, they are smarter than the rest of the Democrats the problem is the donor class prefers useful idiots and sellouts. That is why they pimp Jeffries or Ro Khanna, they are bought and paid for and would rather lead from behind than make waves. The Democrats, like usual, dont even have the courage of their convictions...they tell us how evil Trump is, then have no issue bending over and taking it in the hopes they can raise some cash and keep their cushy job. (and I am hardly the Far Left but I would trust them over the clowns in the DNC now especially their new leader Ken Martin of the DFL)
Here is perfect example: