there's a good buck in that racket.
Pay to play.

really wish Brandon would hurry up and pardon hunter!!!
Pay to play.
Seeing stats that 46% of Gen Z voters broke for Trump. I look forward to smirking at the next generation of adolescent-minded deadbeats as they squat at the end of the bar and whine about their "b1tch ex" getting a court order to garnish their non-union wage for child support.
Yeah, but if the Dems actually listened and nominated *checks notes* 83 year old Bernie Sanders it would’ve been a landslide!
(/s obviously)
It's the economy, stupid. That's why Americans voted for the one-time billionaire son of a millionaire slumlord who has bankrupted five companies, and left office after his first term with the economy in shambles.
Can we retire that tired, old d1p**** Carville quip already?
He definitely wouldn't have won this past one but 2016 was certainly winnable.
He couldn't even win the primary.
I've had 3 days off since Labor Day. Thanks a lot America. I wonder how many of the nearly 300 people I personally registered to vote voted for trump. Our GOTV effort was more coordinated than I've ever seen it before, enlisted more volunteers than ever before, knocked on more doors, made more phone calls, and reached more voters than ever before. What a monumental waste of my time. This election is the last straw. I'm through doing anything political outside of my own obligation to vote. I'm tired of seeing up close and personal more people than I can count who surely voted against their own interests. F uc k them. You got what you wanted and kept a woman from being president. Half of this country can go straight to hell.
If that is even close to true I am not sure how long they can pretend he isn't completely screwed. He is getting killed with Women and he won't be making up enough ground with other demographics. An 8 point drop amongst his core demographic has to be seen as a death knell if it holds past the early exit polling.
I did see some fun videos from SC a couple weeks back where the young women at the University of South Carolina all said they supported her because of Abortion. That won't be enough to flip it but its still fun to watch
Still a long way to go but if he is already ranting about Philly then they are getting troubling info there as well.
One good thing that will come out of this is that the wars in the middle east and the Ukraine will end on January 21 with fair and just outcomes.
Yeah because they rigged it.
I think it's a fair point to concede that the judgement was made in 2021-22. But that wasn't a secret.
And again, I'll repost the point I made this morning:
As a whole, Mookie has a point about the "economy".
Look at the make up of the board here:
- Only two regulars here that I can think of DON'T own a home
- I'd bet more than a few (30-40% ?) make well into the six-figures as a household (or are living at an equivalent economic status internationally)
- You easily support yourself AND kids
- Vacations/Travel (many international) are regular thing
- Y'all have retirement funds established
I've brought this point up many times over the past 3-4 years and I just get talked over. Just saying "corporate greed!!!11!1" doesn't make the situation better while you continuously flaunt the "great" economy numbers. Eventually when you do that enough, you will tick off whomever you are speaking to. As a whole, the board talks down to people who don't have money.
This is a real thing.
There are many involved that simply don't know how to message to people outside of cities and/or white people who are "poor". Even here, I kept getting told to "look at the stats" and explain while I felt the economy was bad. The fact that my discretionary spending went away was lost on most of the board here (save for a select few). Most of y'all just dismissed the point and went back to your much more affluent life.
really wish Brandon would hurry up and pardon hunter!!!
I love bernie and he’s right about dems leaving some behind
but he likely would not have won
In 2016 Hillary had plans to get the coal miners and everyone else displaced from their jobs due to the changing job landscape, technology, etc, training to transition into new areas of employment.
They weren't having it. "I'm a coal miner. I've always mined coal"
As I said, some people don't want to be reached, no matter how you try to help them. So much easier to just biitch and whine and find someone else to blame for their woes.