Trix is right about people in the 30-45 year old range being told basically that if you have a full-time, 40-hour/week job, you will be able to easily make ends meet (look at all the 80s/90s TV that showed single income families owning homes and having 2-4 kids in suburbia, or city people easily paying rent on apartments). And all these characters had careers that many people today have.
Personally, I have been at my current job since 2019. During the pandemic, that money went well beyond what was needed to live. I was able to knock out student debts that I had been riding for 12 years. I was free and clear on a reliable vehicle. I was putting about 20% of my income into savings to work towards getting a new car when it was needed or for other needs if they came up.
In the last 3 years, all that extra cash dried up. I have a security alert set up on my cards where if any purchase over $70 is made, I get a text/email. Before 2021, I would never get that when I was shopping for everyday needs at the grocery store. I could swipe my card without caring what the exact total was. Now I get that damn alert EVERY WEEK when I go to Wal-Mart (oh, and I was fully priced out of the prominent supermarket chain in the Chicago area, so there is also a drop in quality of goods involved here as well).
More and more, it's looking like I'm going to rely heavily upon officiating income to have any sort of "play" money. After 20 years of working full-time PLUS constant side hustles, I'm burnt the eff out. I want time to sit back. I want time to relax. I'm taking steps backwards after FINALLY being able to get my head above water during/immidiately after the Pandemic.
There is a whole generation out there who have been living this. And at least half of them don't have empathy towards P.o.C. or LGBTQ+ communities when they feel they have been denied the "American Dream" themselves. And also this generation has kids who are now becoming voting age.
Again, I'm sorry, but in our community here, it's hard to hear this from people who are much, MUCH better off than me. Who try and tell me that "things aren't so bad". Get off your high horse. I need to worry about ME before I need to extend myself to fight for others (and yea, I realize that is a horrible thing to say). I truly don't think most of this board has been in a situation where you live paycheck to paycheck for a long time, and it shows. I know it's not everyone here, but sometimes it truly does feel that way.
Also, I really do think to truly make "Left" agendas work, you need to stop degrading how a large segment of this country lives (Rednecks, Hillbillies, white trash, whatever slang you want to use to describe them, etc.). You would be surprised at how much the stigma attached by outsiders pushes these people further away instead making a point here or one there stick and slowly bring things around. It's a segment that CAN be changed over time, but it will take time. But like most things, we need results NOW or it's a "lost cause".