Hug someone you care about...
Who is left that can run away from the crazy message? Who hasn't been branded? They either kicked their bench out or made them bend a knee publicly.
Who can honestly say in 2028 "I never supported Trump or his campaign initiatives"?
And no...people won't turn out that is kind of the point. It only works for him. When i say the sink won't go away I mean this is going to be an albatross around their neck for a while. They need a lot of new blood and fast...they shot their wad on this one, going all in on authoritarianism and if doesn't work you just walk that back.
Who can honestly say in 2028 "I never supported Trump or his campaign initiatives"?
And no...people won't turn out that is kind of the point. It only works for him. When i say the sink won't go away I mean this is going to be an albatross around their neck for a while. They need a lot of new blood and fast...they shot their wad on this one, going all in on authoritarianism and if doesn't work you just walk that back.