Already insane, UAA making it worse
I just realized that Alaska is using RCV for the Presidential race. Now, the odds are Dump will hit 50% but woo boy the potential chaos if he doesn’t.
Take from it what you will: https://app.vantagedatahouse.com/analysis/TheBlowoutNoOneSeesComing-1
The spread between the Senate races and the POTUS race in swing states is noteworthy though. I remember a month ago there was an AZ poll with Gallego +9 but Trump +6. For starters, split races are an extinct breed; they used to happen a lot 30 or 40 years ago, but in the last decade they've all but disappeared. And if it does happen somewhere, it would be somewhere like MD where Hogan has tried to distance himself from Trump and thus may get some crossover voters; it is most certainly not happening in AZ, where Lake is a Trump clone; there is no way 1/6 of voters will vote for one of Trump or Lake but somehow not the other. The question is, which was more accurate, the Gallego +9 or the Trump +6, or are both somewhere in the middle? The fact that the poll shows a 15 point spread where there will most definitely not be one makes you wonder what the hell is happening with the polling, though.
Yeah, if I were on their side, I would emphasize Biden's comment by playing just the clip over and over and doing nothing else. Like, take the win and leave it at that. Doing the garbage truck and the garbage bags when your own team has a much more publicized garbage comment a few days earlier really muddies the water on whether you're condemning the other side's comment and doubling down on yours.
I just realized that Alaska is using RCV for the Presidential race. Now, the odds are Dump will hit 50% but woo boy the potential chaos if he doesn’t.
I think if anyone has the level of thought you are assigning to them there they are not voting for Lake or Trump, but that's just me. Of any noteworthy Senate race Lake has spent her entire career trying to be Trump, that's not the one where there's going to be a whopping 15-point spread. Like, I don't know who's ultimately going to win any of these races, but the one thing I do know if that AZ will be a small spread.
Is Arizona a lost cause for the Presidency? I'd like to see the Blue Wall, NC, Georgia, and Arizona come in. Maybe get rid of Ted Cruz, and hell let's get Iowa.
From what I saw today the Trump campaign is panicking about NC.
Kennedy is still on the ballot here and was hitting 7% in the last poll while Dump was hitting 51%. The chances are low but there’s still a chance. If nobody hits 50% they’ll have to wait until all the absentee ballots are in to do the RCV calculations and that could be a month or more.Oh man...that could be fun!
Kennedy is still on the ballot here and was hitting 7% in the last poll while Dump was hitting 51%. The chances are low but there’s still a chance. If nobody hits 50% they’ll have to wait until all the absentee ballots are in to do the RCV calculations and that could be a month or more.
Alaska uses Ranked Choice Voting (Maine does as well) so if nobody hits 50% once all the votes are in then they eliminate the lowest ranked candidate and reallocate those votes to those people’s second choice. If nobody is at 50% still they eliminate the lowest person again and allocate again over and over until someone hits 50%+1.What happens if no one hits 50% in the end? Do they have to have a runoff? That would be wild if the whole election came down to one state -- Alaska no less -- to a runoff a ~month after the general election.
Alaska uses Ranked Choice Voting (Maine does as well) so if nobody hits 50% once all the votes are in then they eliminate the lowest ranked candidate and reallocate those votes to those people’s second choice. If nobody is at 50% still they eliminate the lowest person again and allocate again over and over until someone hits 50%+1.
The chaos would be in the wait. The Alaska DOE won’t do the RCV calculations until all the votes are in and absentee ballots have something like 30 days to arrive.
Might not even get to that point if Kennedy is in third.I mean we all know that RFK voters will put Trump second so it’s much ado about nothing but my god the fun that would ensue. The only way it matters though electorally is if things go pretty bizarre tomorrow night.
The only way it matters though electorally is if things go pretty bizarre tomorrow night.
Is Arizona a lost cause for the Presidency?
Take from it what you will: https://app.vantagedatahouse.com/analysis/TheBlowoutNoOneSeesComing-1
Then again I would have done the same thing with the "Women Voting For Harris" ad that had them go nuts. Just shut up and ignore it or say "that is cute but who cares" and it is a non-story. Reacting added the Streisand Effect to the equation and the over the top misogyny proved the entire point of the ad and did way more harm than the ad itself could have ever done.
When I watched that ad I thought, "about 20k people watch Lincoln Project ads and they are all Liberals. The scum are going to go ballistic and it will be seen by 20M people and half of them will be conservatives."
5 million conservative women who would never have seen it will see it because Charlie Kirk screamed like a scalded baby. And they will see it in the context of being told by men they are not permitted to think for themselves. I realize conservative women have, by definition, a kink for being treated like dirt, but that will be too much for a lot of women who were also raised on derpy honky tonk music about being independent.
If Cruz loses it will be because the Hateful Taint rose to the bait, as was exactly what the Lincoln Project intended.