I woke up this morning realizing that I forgot to share pictures of Halloween last night and pumpkin carving from earlier this week. Because I reserve this space for sharing good things about my family.
And then I looked at the news this morning and enough is enough.
As a woman, as a mother, as a proud American, as a faithful Christian, as a decent human being. I simply cannot rationalize and normalize this type of behavior.
I decided long ago that I could not look my kids in the eye and ever cast a vote for Trump. For a litany of reasons, like being a rapist and misogynist, not upholding his oath to the constitution, for outright lying to the American people to the point it causes hate, division, violence, and confusion, and most recently suing ABC News with claims of doing exactly what he and Fox News have done for years. Only to name a few, because I could go on. His character is on display every single day and it is one that I do not want my children to believe is ok, to constantly disparage and attack other people. He is reckless and chaotic. He is who he always has been, but as he ages and his anger grows, his filter is failing and his handlers are unable to contain him.
I used to vote for Republican candidates, but since Trump came on the scene I have become a fiercely independent voter. The Republican Party has capitulated to him over and over again and on the whole no longer represents my values. Neither candidate is perfect, I don’t agree with all of their policies, positions, or what they’ve had to say. But I would rather give my vote to someone who is willing to partner with Liz Cheney than one who spews such dangerous rhetoric as this. I am hopeful and prayerful that by this time next week, we can be talking about where someone like Liz Cheney can fit on the cabinet of a Harris administration.
For the People.