I was starting to get hopeful over the last few days but my anxiety is off the charts today.
Th fact that the race is even competitive is mind blowing
I am hopeful, and because I am me, a little worried but the two things stop me from going over the edge:
1) It is out of our hands. We did all we could. Thousands of people in every state (even here I saw it and personally had it happen) knocking on doors and phone banking. Hundreds of millions on ads and billboards. Social Media campaigns, a billion rallies and well...Trump not exactly fighting like a champion. Everyone who wants to know what is going on knows, and he doesn't even hide the awful things he is planning to do. Democracy is literally in our hands. There is nothing that could have been done that we didn't do.
2) If we show up, we win. This election is about turnout, and there is more of us than there is of them. (how many more is unknown) When we are motivated things go our way, they know this and that is why they are scared. We control our destiny.
When you and I were fighting back in the summer because of Biden and whether he should drop out my only real reservation with Biden sticking around was if we were going to go down I wanted to go down fighting and I was not sure he could fight. If it was going to be close would he have the stamina to do 4 rallies a day in 3 states and all that jazz. I am still not a fan of how it all went down but I told my SO when Joy Ann Reid let it slip that the Congressional Black Caucus was worried about the California Delegation trying to usurp Biden and Harris that if Biden gets replaced she is the one who I want on the ticket. My SO was adamant that this country would never vote for a woman let alone a woman of color. I said (and I have been proven right thank God) if a change has to happen and if we truly believe Democracy is on the line I want to go down swinging. If this country is worth saving then the best person will win because we won't let them lose...not with everything that is on the line. And honestly We The People havent disappointed. Its weird, because I know how divided we are and I know all the reasons to be worried and angry and scared and filled with rage (all things I have felt since August) but truly, and I never say stuff like this, I am actually friggin proud of what I have seen this cycle from the people. (not the media) People I know who never vote Dem (some of whom rarely vote because Minnesota is a lock) actively voting for her and talking about it. (DGF yes he is voting for Harris) My neighborhood is not huge on signs and legit every day when I take my 3 mile walk I see at least one new Harris sign. I have never seen anything like it even in 2020 when people were motivated we maybe had 5-10 total in the surrounding burbs...I bet its at least 3-4 times that this time. When I voted early on Friday there was a line and 10 booths full with 3 poll workers signing people in...there wasn't even a line during COVID when there was 1 worker. Saturday when the SO voted same thing. My SO's mother grew up in a part of Chicago that is well...not exactly known for its love of diversity. She isn't outwardly racist (she is rather outwardly misogynistic sometimes because she spent years working in male dominated businesses like banking) but its there (her family definitely is) and yet she is not only super optimistic she is having a party tonight watch with her friends and is wearing a Harris shirt! I am seeing enthusiasm I don't normally see, and I am seeing hope in the way we saw it in '08. I am not saying that will be the outcome, but every time I get worried something reminds me that things aren't as bad as we think they are. If they were
they wouldn't be so scared. If Trump is a stone cold lock (like my senility ridden father seems to think) then why are the Sovereign Citizens in Republicanstan, MN threatening the courthouse if the county turns Blue? If they can win big, why do they feel the need to rig it? If we are weak and ready to die, why are they yelling at the refs about how unfair everything is?
Just remember, they are more scared than we are, because if it doesn't work this time it might take decades to have this type of chance. They are pulling every dirty trick in the book, and for once, it seems that the people are seeing it for what it is. Plus, and I cannot stress this enough, Women can save us from ourselves this time.