Apologies for posting something from a far right source but this politico piece is right on the money https://www.politico.com/newsletter.../team-biden-tries-to-quell-dem-panic-00165945
Joe, the truth is somewhere in between. In the first 15 minutes of the debate I had my head in my hands thinking "democracies are fragile are they can fail, and when they do it's typically for STUPID reasons."
But I think this is an opportunity to use exactly the techniques the Right has used to avoid all responsibility for their crimes for the last four decades. Nothing is real unless it is dwelled upon by the media. Don't panic and let the news cycle move along. The slurry (from the article; appropriate word) of idiocies from the talking heads will simply cover over the past, like a landslide or a toilet explosion.
For once we can use the ten second attention span of the average voter for our advantage.
Aren’t their two more debates, much closer to election?
The whole "replace Biden on the ticket" is just Repubs trying to shape the outcome they want.
BREAKING: The Biden campaign is making a multi-million dollar ad buy in critical swing states with this new ad slamming Donald Trump for being America’s biggest liar. Retweet to make sure all Americans see the contrast between President Biden and Trump.
Look, that debate performance was abysmal. The worst I've seen from anyone not named Donald Trump. And worse, the story isn't "holy crap Trump is insane", it's "BIDEN IS OLD!!!1!11!!"
It's good to see the Philadelphia Inquirer saying "are we kidding here? Biden should step aside?!".
ActBlue claims to have raised $76m across the board since the debate. Speaking for myself, I chipped in for Slotkin for the first time since last year, and will be considering other contributions in the near future.