Is this about Rep Golden and his "Trumpwill win and we will be fine" stuff? I guess he failed history...
I’d argue he doesn’t actually think that, because it’s as Swan says, purely political, but ultimately, who the fu-k cares? Dude votes with Biden/Democratic agenda far more than
any Republican does, even if he actually thinks that.
Americans care about the economy. As we’re all aware, ironically, the economy is doing quite well, far better than the rest of the developed world, but it’s also the issue the executive branch, specially the President, has a marginal at best influence over, compared to, say, foreign policy. I know the average American voter says economy matters most, and they think it sucks, which, again, is hilarious, because it doesn’t. But, even though Americans don’t vote based on foreign policy, that’s where Biden shines. A majority of the world views Biden favorably, not to mention way better than Trump. Trump wins, and Ukraine certainly loses. World War III becomes far greater, whether Russia is as weak as Kepler thinks they are, or stronger. I don’t want to find out with an attack on NATO. We need Biden.
Lloyd Doggett, can’t say I know that mother******s motive, but I guess I don’t care.