Re: 2012 Elections Part I: All Politics is Yokel
Back in the olden days, in freshman english, we studied Greek and Roman Mythology and the Old Testament, from a literary perspective. Can you imagine the kerfuffle now days if a comprehensive public high school tried that? Even worse, in grade school I attended a comparative religion course held across the street from the school during school hours. All the WASPS in that class made little mezuzot among other things. Gasp.
To be fair, a lot of the Old Testament goes back before the Roman Empire.
Snark aside, the philology of Bible stories is fascinating.
Back in the olden days, in freshman english, we studied Greek and Roman Mythology and the Old Testament, from a literary perspective. Can you imagine the kerfuffle now days if a comprehensive public high school tried that? Even worse, in grade school I attended a comparative religion course held across the street from the school during school hours. All the WASPS in that class made little mezuzot among other things. Gasp.
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