Re: RIT used to play here.
I agree.
Everything they have accomplished this season is certainly impressive and more than legitimizes their move up to D-I.
However, I'd like to see sustained success before I'll jump on ship that anyone can make the D-III to D-I jump without scholarships and be successful.
RIT seems to have found a solid recruiting pitch that is working. They have a lot going for them being located in a big city. How many D-I teams are in a city the size of Rochester? It's a very large school and a very good academic school for kids looking to get into technology.
Impressive? No doubt about it.
But I'd still like to see how the next five years will go given everyone knows who RIT is now and they'll have a bit of a target on their back to teams even outside the Atlantic Hockey league now.
Prez, you hit the nail right on the head. This post season has been a surreal ride. A frozen four with Miami, BC, UW, and RIT? I get chills when I realize it's really happening. I don't expect that they will have repeat trips to the FF, but I do see them continuing to challenging for the AHA autobid on a yearly basis. A one shot run is not sucess, but not returning to the FF on a yearly basis does not mean failure either. That's part of the problem with some of the elite programs out there, a year without a Frozen Four is to be forgotten. But RIT doesn't want to be an NMU that wins a national championship and then disappears from the NCAAs for a decade or more.
There is good and bad in this run. The good - We have the attention of the hockey world. The bad - We have the attention of the hockey world. No more sneaking up on anyone. Whether it be RIT or anyone else from Atlantic Hockey. Three first round victories in five years followed up by a FF trip kind of says "don't take these guys lightly". Starting next year it will be more difficult for RIT to repeat because the AHA will be getting tougher. The past 3 years its really been RIT, Air Force, and Mercyhurst and whoever got hot. Next year Niagara and Bobby Mo come on board and the group at the top gets a little bigger, though Robert Morris may fall into the second group. They obviously can compete, having taken both games of a road series from Miami in January. Until the bottom of the league elevates their commitment and improves it will be tough to impossible for Atlantic hockey to put more than the autobid into the NCAAs. Tough to get your PWR high enough when the bottom half of the league is an anchor dragging you down.
Given the track record of RIT in the transition process I believe they will parlay this into positive things. One thing about RIT is they they seldom pass up an opportunity to take advantage of resources, and this run is one heck of a resource to draw on. Sure should help with name recognition among recruits. The institutional support is definitely there, and I believe the program has it's sight set higher than the AHA. There could be setbacks though. If Ohio State comes in with buckets of money, or BGSU plays the alum card and lures Wilson away. That would hurt a lot. I don't even want to think about that....
As an aside, I lived in Rochester and listened on WITR when RIT won the DII championship (against Bemidji) in 1983, and was lucky enough to be in Schenectady to see them again beat Bemidji for the DIII championship at Union in 1985. I was ecstatic to be in the arena this past weekend to see them earn their ticket to Detroit with fantastic wins over two great and more talented teams. Thing of it is, I am as proud of the DIII and DII championships as I am of these wins. Being able to follow your team when they succeed is so very special, whether it is DI, DII, DIII, Club, or High School. None of them are any better than the others. I know you know that Prez, you cherish OSUs national championship and ECs win over Manhattanville in the ECAC-W playoffs a few years ago. And PSUChamps2001 I know you relish in Plattsburghs Championships and the fact that the cardinals "owned" RIT in the playoffs. Heck the one positive I saw when the Tigers first moved to DI was the fact that they wouldn't have to face PSU again.
I'm going into the FF weekend the same way I went into the Regional in Albany. I just hope they don't get Blown out and embarassed. Heck, it worked before and I'm sticking with it. My mind says they don't have a chance, but the heart on the other hand......
Man, this is a lot longer than it started out to be.