Matthew Webb
Re: RIT used to play here.
Come on now. "Bad memories"? What is this? Some prom where you drank too much too early and puked on your date's dress just as she was moving in for your first kiss?
It's sports. Enjoy the ride. The fact POYB was able to get behind St. Norbert should be enough to prove <i>anyone</i> can sit back and just have fun with things. No need to take things so seriously.
It's often said familiarity breeds contempt. What's often overlooked is that it can, and maybe should, also breed respect.
I certainly respect everything RIT has done this year and my hat is off to them but I'm sorry...too many bad memories to bring myself to root for the team.
RIT broke my heart more than the Bills and Mets ever could all those years they ended Elmira's season.
Come on now. "Bad memories"? What is this? Some prom where you drank too much too early and puked on your date's dress just as she was moving in for your first kiss?

It's sports. Enjoy the ride. The fact POYB was able to get behind St. Norbert should be enough to prove <i>anyone</i> can sit back and just have fun with things. No need to take things so seriously.

It's often said familiarity breeds contempt. What's often overlooked is that it can, and maybe should, also breed respect.
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