On the topic of professional connections, I just got a very odd Linkdin request. It was from a guy I met for one weekend in 1981.
I was living in Oakland and working in San Francisco at the time. A friend of mine, John, from high school and college was coming out to the Bay area to visit. He was going to stay with this couple of Russian Jewish emigres in the south bay (Silicon Valley) and meet a college friend who lived in SF. The plan was for the Russians and I to meet at his other friend's home Friday night as the other friend was having a party that night. John would come from the airport to the party. I had no car at the time and figured out the buses to get to the address of the guy hosting the party. I rapidly moved into a conversation with the two Russians as it became apparent that we three were the only straight people there. I was a little uncomfortable with it at the time. Probably wouldn't be now, but I was still naive. Anyway the Russian just sent me a Linkdin invite. Don't know how the * he found me or remembered me.