Re: Oswego vs Plattsburgh "The Whiteout game"
I think in some cases the opposite is true for well heeled donors. They WANT to see the loud and obnoxious fans raising all heck on the opposing team.
I know the gentleman that donated money to the $1 million video board was none to pleased when he saw powerpoint on it for three years.
I was actually called into a meeting including Coach Gosek, Booster Club officials, and a few other big wigs my sophomore year trying to come up with ideas and ways to create more atmosphere at the games.
Johnson 09,
You must have some kind of a warped mind. Perhaps you're on drugs. Now, if you have a legitimate mental illness, I don't mean to be rude. But seriously, if you are on drugs, you've either taken too much or not enough. No one, and I mean no one, save for a few zealots and scientologists, is going to pay attention to that letter. In fact, it will probably even cause the crowd to be even more raucous. I'll stand up to the man when there's actually a man in Oswego. When UP blows some kids brains out for swearing at a Platty Player, then I'll stand up to the man. Until then, I'm good. You've been posting about this for hours now. Why? No one cares. Except for Tim Hale and, apparently, you. Why would you brag about your meeting with Gosek and the Georgettes? That has nothing to do with the letter. If you want to make a poor argument about the evils of fascism and the totalitariansim of Debbie and Timmy at least make an effort to stay on topic. The next time I'm in Albany, I'll make sure to stay away from Gloversville.
I don't mean to rain on your parade. If you want to go to Greene's with the other lifetime posters, go for it. But don't blame Tim Hale, or Oswego State University, for issuing the letter. They probably had to do it to avoid any potential lawsuits. When I saw the letter, I just said Duh? Of course they have to send this out. Some people sue at the drop of a hat, keep in mind. I thought about filing a lawsuit against you when I read your posts. All I want to do is read about the upcoming game and instead I get this letter talk. And yes, some people didn't like it. It is a live event, stuff happens. A few people understood the letter, though, too. But everyone disregarded it completely. Well, almost everyone. There was you and the zealots. It didn't need to be addressed further, but you addressed it anyway. After that, you couldn't even respect EagleLaker, who simply offered an opinion which differed from yours. Now, his contributions weren't exactly the picture of maturity. But seriously man, grow up. Romney closed. Shea stadium got torn down. It happens. Move on and go back to Elmira. No guns. No butter. Both can kill.