Clearly the fact that I think it's BS everyone wants to censor college students at a hockey game completely judges my morals and personality.
You watched games at Romney and you're calling me unresponsible for wanting to keep the same tradition?
I didn't even attend Romney games in their hayday in the 1980's (I started around 2000).
The fact that the games have already been censored so much and so many things taken away is a joke. The only reason any of this came about is because of the move to the new rink. True hockey was played in Romney without the administrators sticking their noses up at the actions of the students having a good time.
Guess what, college is the STUDENTS time. Let them have their fun. If you go to a college hockey game and don't expect to hear a few obscenities or fans picking on an opponent, you're oblivious and can't appreciate old time hockey.
I'm ashamed to root or the same teams as you if this is really your outlook on the way college hockey should be handled.
The Domes used to be quite a spectacle too in the days of the Red Line Rowdies.