If people want to be idiots let them be idiots. They are no more stupid than the morons who wear tea bags on their hats and pretend like they think the government is destroying their life. (which is exactly what we saw during the Tea Party nonsense) Bad times bring out the loons en masse, nothing they do is going to change anything and if they were offered 1/10th of the things they whine about wanting they would end their protest so fast O'Reilly wouldnt have time to finish his outrage
My life sucks too, more than most people realize or I talk about. Whining about it on Wall Street isnt going to make things better, and it wont even make me FEEL better so it is utterly pointless. They arent really causing any problems (the bridge thing seems like a Darwin situation coming on fast which I am always in support of

) and my guess is the people they are railing against find this all quite hilarious.
I guess I just look on them and shake my head. I feel bad for the girl who got pepper sprayed (and the Daily Show did a hilarious skit about that) but overall I think they would be better off buying a bagel and just calming the F down. They are not oppressed and if you choose to be disobedient you have to expect blowback. This doesnt make you a martyr, it makes you a moron