starting to hear some really screwball things about health care...
Here's a thought... we know that Obamacare was written to fail... hence why their supporters don't want his name attached to it... its going to go down like a lead anchor... now, I'm wondering if its going to fail spectacularly too fast... and when that happens i wonder what the implication would be. Dems will want this to fail in slow motion... that way they can save the day with their moral imperative... universal health care... but what happens if the industry just collapses under useless mandates. remember, the idea of insurance is not in itself the problem... the problem is the system that it constructed... now, UHC is still worse because it is, at its heart, a limit on personal freedom... UHC is set to specifically ration care as the government (earth God) desires... if you and your doctor agree to something... too bad, government has decided that this is unfair and thus immoral. I'm wondering if it fails too fast that it won't then open up a strange scenario... Dems will be quick to go to UHC... but they won't be divorced from this albatross.... not enough time has passed. They could paint the Republicans on going back to the "old system that didn't work"... but that only goes so far... it doesn't change the arguments. The thing is, while the old system had its problems it was never irredeemable... it was just decided that UHC is more expedient than proper reform and cleaning out the rot... this is the same argument we see with the "Fair Tax"... the system is unfixable so we must destroy it in favor of our new savior.
That being said... does UHC win the day or do we see adults set to work to reform the insurance system in a way that doesn't an insurance business impossible? Things like "taking anybody regardless of condition" and a slew of other things are just not things that work. The simple argument to this would be, "would you put your money into that"? The answer to that is, no... you can't trust the race to the bottom won't bankrupt you. You don't have to be a devil-eyed horned sewer monster to see that. At the same time, people will pine for simplistic arguments... after-all, its easier than actually fixing the system.
So, that being said, for all the broken with the health care system... have we forced ourselves into a situation where health care will never actually be fixed except in the eyes of the politicians and their media? That is to say, only be fixed in the eyes of those who want it to be but not in reality.