Re: Obama XVI: Muslin curtains in the White House!!!
Agreed on the we're all on the same team point. As I often say I'd be more than happy to buy a beer for my sparring partners out here if and when we meet again in person.
However, I will confess some disgust with the people that got us off the track that you want us to get back on. The country ran really well in the 90's. That was partly due to a good President and a flexible opposition Congress who realized when to make a deal for the good of the country. Plenty of credit to go around.
The problem is IMHO that there's too much resistance to going back to what worked only 10 short years ago. In fact, there's a good deal of disagreement over whether the fiscal discipline of those years even happened at all. When you're dealing with people who won't even acknowledge reality its a bit tough to meet them half way. Right now we're in a situation where anybody who even expresses a hint of bipartisanship and a departure from ideological orthodoxy will get primaried out of office. As long as this is going on, I fear getting on the right track will take awhile longer. To that end, the people causing these fissures need to be identified and called out, even if it means a little more rancor. At this point in time, a mealy-mouthed "both sided do it" answer isn't enough. Who's doing it (impeding progress and cooperation) needs to be held responsible or things truly will not get better.
I wish I had an easier answer, but unfortunately I don't see one out there.
What I'm saying is the OPs and RCs and the Rovers and the Keplers are all playing for the same side ultimately, and the longer we let the extremists among us define our reaction to the non-extremists on the other side, the more time we waste while real enemies prepare their next strike.
We have to get our act together, folks. The internecine struggles were a luxury we could afford when we were way out ahead of the rest of the world, but the distance is closing fast. Just like with the debt, if we all don't swallow hard and take a serious hit to our pet projects and theories, then we'll eventually lose our ability to control our own destinies. We have a degree of power over where we go next that nobody else does in the world, but that very power lulls us into believing we can dick around for another year, election cycle, or decade and play chicken with our immediate political opponents. There's no parent telling us "enough already," so it's up to us.
Agreed on the we're all on the same team point. As I often say I'd be more than happy to buy a beer for my sparring partners out here if and when we meet again in person.
However, I will confess some disgust with the people that got us off the track that you want us to get back on. The country ran really well in the 90's. That was partly due to a good President and a flexible opposition Congress who realized when to make a deal for the good of the country. Plenty of credit to go around.
The problem is IMHO that there's too much resistance to going back to what worked only 10 short years ago. In fact, there's a good deal of disagreement over whether the fiscal discipline of those years even happened at all. When you're dealing with people who won't even acknowledge reality its a bit tough to meet them half way. Right now we're in a situation where anybody who even expresses a hint of bipartisanship and a departure from ideological orthodoxy will get primaried out of office. As long as this is going on, I fear getting on the right track will take awhile longer. To that end, the people causing these fissures need to be identified and called out, even if it means a little more rancor. At this point in time, a mealy-mouthed "both sided do it" answer isn't enough. Who's doing it (impeding progress and cooperation) needs to be held responsible or things truly will not get better.
I wish I had an easier answer, but unfortunately I don't see one out there.