Re: Obama XVI: Muslin curtains in the White House!!!
I think that last question is rhetorical. Especially given that supreme court members have mused (as you noted) about carving up the 1st amendment to allow an islam clause. it will be too late. it's like a Rod Serling TZ episode. and it's not "the monsters are due on maple street".
I'm going to ask this seriously and hope I get serious answers and not just slams and red dots.
what is moderate islam? who or what would you consider moderate? a person who thinks jews and christians should be killed but doesn't act on those thoughts? apparently that's a large % of people. is that a moderate? or a person who cheers suicide bombings but would not participate?
I guess when i see videos like this or hear audio of the same and see that some of these people speak at U.S. colleges I wonder what kind of pressure allows this hatespeech to occur w/out it being called out for what it is. who or what pressures our media to remain silent on this?
I'm all for allowing these guys to say whatever in the eff they want as long as the newspapers and media come out and show it to all of us for one, and for two call it for what it is. hatespeech. stuff children don't need to hear. if you're 18 and walk in there fine.
again, we see what's transpiring in europe and it's ugly. it doesn't need to happen here.
You ask important questions, which time and my intellectual shortcomings combine to keep me from answering. Let me take a stab at some of them.
Are you old enough to remember Baby Huey? The 300 pound duckling who got shunned by his friends and attacked by the fox, 'til at the end, he realized he could just dispose of the fox violently, and usually did so. Didn't know his own strength. I think that's us.
No combination of these Islamist thugs can defeat us. Although, as we learned on 9/11, they can deal a grievous blow. These backward people are still living in the 7th century and lovin' it. They can't manufacture ball point pens. Iran has to IMPORT gasoline, for cripes sake.
Yet somehow, Islamists think their world: hangings, "honor killings," stonings, beheadings, arranged marriages, executions for women who learn how to read, sexual multilation and all the rest, are their gifts to the world.
As I've posted before, our First Amendment guarantees about freedom of religion (and freedom from religion) are perhaps the most ingrained in our culture. Much of the reason why there is a United States in the first place is the search for religious freedom. And because of that, we're terribly reluctant to condemn or even criticize someone else's religion. You rarely hear opinion leaders, or even ordinary Americans, criticizing the nonsense that is "Scientology." We just look the other way. As we do with Islam.
In the context of living in America I would define a "moderate" Muslim as a person who practices his religion while understanding that this is a nation of laws, not a theocracy. As long as they obey our laws, and reject the theocratic instructions of Islam--Jihad, etc., then we can live with them.
And I believe that definition includes that vast majority of Muslims in this country. I think they're far more assimilated than we give them credit for. Take those boys who were trying to balance football practice with Ramadan. THAT's assimilatiion.
The trouble, as you've pointed out, is the kind of "preaching" too often found in various mosques around the country. We have had a handful of nutbar Americans, incited by Islamist imams, who've become would-be terrorists. Some, like "Dr." Hasan, have actually carried out terror attacks.
He's still the scariest, IMHO, because he's a professional person and an officer in the Army, and at the end of the day, none of that meant anything to him.
We should certainly resist this effort to open a new front in the PC war that renders any criticism or opposition to Islam as "Islamophobia." It's been on display in NYC for weeks now, with the intellectual "elite" and our moral betters condemning the 70% of us who think that Islamist Victory Arch is a bad idea as "Islamophobic."
We should encourage, reward and protect from retaliation moderate Muslims who speak out against the crazies. Unfortunately, too many of our large institutions are scared s**tless of them. To my knowledge, the only major American newspaper that has published the controversial Muhammad cartoons is the Philadelphia Inquirer. The rest have chickened out. All of the rest. Based on that and numerous other captitulations, why would Islamists think they can't just bully us into submission?
Sooner or later Baby Huey is going to wake up and smell the coffee, and then Islamists are going to be flying out the windows of the saloon like in a John Wayne movie. I hope it's way sooner than later.