Re: Obama XIV: President VISTA with SP2
How many people who actually live in New York City oppose the building of the mosque? Also, whole argument of the thing is framed so stupidly. The mosque is 2 or 3 blocks away from ground zero, there is essentially only one other major mosque in Manhattan that from what I understand is very overcrowded during prayer time so the need is there. And then there is the fact that trying to stop it is completely unconstitutional. Mayor Bloomberg said it very well:
Also, I, who actually live in Manhattan fully support the building of the mosque there.
Well, as a Manhattan resident you should know there are already 7 mosques on the island. Hard to make a credible argument that that number represents some sort of animus against the religion of "peace."
Forgive me, but Mayor Bloomberg is also the clown who suggested that the Times Square bomb plot might have been hatched by a conservative upset with Obamacare. He also was all in favor of having the KSM trial in Manhattan and aside from yourself and a handful of others, overwhelming majorities of folks who live on Manhattan opposed these ridiculous ideas.
There are over 2 thousand mosques in the United States which is 2 thousand more than the number of churches in Saudi Arabia. So let's just shut up about whether opposition to this particular mosque respresents some sort of failure of our dedication to the first amendment. I remember, in the days immediately following 9/11, every NYC religious service I saw on TV featured at least one imam. So this alleged animus to Islam, is IMO, a strawman.
And your implied argument that people in Iowa oppose the mosque but people in Manhattan support it is not only couinter intuitive it is also, pardon me for saying so, ridiculous. And since when is it "unconstitutional" for Americans to express their opinions about a controversial subject and to do what the law permits to prevail? I'm not aware of anyone suggesting violence should be used to stop construction of the mosque. Here's a question: why does this thing have to be built as close as possible to ground zero? Are there no other locations that could be used? In a time of economic downturn are there no other vacant properties available? Please, pull somebody else's leg.
The people behind this project are not telling the truth about the funding source and they're certainly not telling the truth about the purpose of the mosque and its location. Bloomberg is a "useful idiot," and America doesn't need any lectures from him or other "useful idiots" about religious pluralism. We don't publicly hang alleged homosexuals here--but in some Muslim countries that's SOP. We don't stone people to death. We don't cut off the noses of young ladies who stray from orthodoxy in one form or another. We don't encourage young men to commit suicide and to take as many innocent people as possible with them. But all of these horrors and others are part of daily life for millions of Muslims.
So you can preen about your moral superiority (along with village idiot Bloomberg) if you wish, but don't expect the rest of us to agree with you. This mosque is a deliberate thumb in the eye to non Muslim Americans. It is a calculated triumphalist insult and shouldn't be built.