At the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, children from the stricken Gulf Coast region serenaded First Lady Laura Bush with a song praising the beleaguered Federal Emergency Management Agency.
To the tune of Hey Look Me Over, about 100 young children from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama sang:
Our country’s stood beside us
People have sent us aid.
Katrina could not stop us, our hopes will never fade.
Congress, Bush and FEMA
People across our land
Together have come to rebuild us and we join them hand-in-hand!
After the song, Mrs. Bush posed for photos with the kids, many of whom were wearing Katrina Kids T-shirts, despite the chilly rain.
Earlier, the First Lady read Will You Be My Friend: A Bunny and Bird Story by Nancy Tafuri. According to a White House pool report, the children sat on the grass as Mrs. Bush read; she sat in a white wrought iron chair, freshly toweled by two Park Service employees.
After the reading, Mr. Bush asked, Did you like this book? Does it tell you about what people can do to help other people, what bird did to help bunny? Be kind to him and give him shelter.