That's my point, though. "You DO love apple pie, don't you?!" becomes something very different when it's at the end of an argument that's degenerated.
As for the rest, much of it seems to be predicated on assumptions I
wasn't making that you're simply a blind patriot. I was saying precisely that since you are NOT a blind patriot you can see that working to hold a country to its principles is a patriotic act.
As for the various fetishes of the left and right, pointing out one doesn't disregard the other. Personally I think all the talk about a supposed liberal fetish for Obama is either silly or ignores that the right has had a blue-veiner for Reagan for 30 years -- well beyond the warnings when you are supposed to consult your doctor.
The left's comparable fetish to the right's militaristic worship of "The Nation" is an utterly un-reflective guilt-ridden worship of either "The Underprivileged" when they want to be paternalistic (welfare, health care) or "Humanity" when they want a slice of that pie (the arts, environmentalism, feminism, gay rights).
A funny shared fetish is "The Working Man." When a righty says this he really means "The Tax Payer," and he's including Ken Lay. When a lefty says it he's really saying "The Proletariat" (though you can't say that outside of a sociology class without having your house egged).
Obviously both sides are equally full of BS and hypocrisy. We're all just part of "Humanity," after all.