Yes I do have a personal interest as an American in USA hockey development, but it's not an obsession. I've played alongside and against Canadians for years and many of them are still my friends. But if you understand the condescending attitude and compare the slower development of USA hockey over many years, then you'll understand why most serious American born hockey players and coaches have sought to take up the noble challenge to invest in USA hockey development programs in multiple ways. Are they obsessed too?
Any college team can recruit from Canada, it's not difficult. Personally I don't respect an annual Canadian recruiting quota of near 50% as has been demonstrated for literally decades on UND rosters with very little investment in local and USA hockey. What I do respect is John Mariucci's refusal to import overage Canadians to play in the US and "a win at all cost" attitude, who instead committed to sound principles of fairness and to promote USA youth hockey development in MN.
Because of Mariucci's commitment, his impact on MN hockey accelerated the growth of the sport throughout the state represented today at all levels of play. UND's recruitment of MN players has largely benefited from that commitment. I don't see UND's commitment to USA hockey and therefore until that changes, I'm not much impressed with the UND hockey program, or Ralph Englestad for that matter (but that's another issue).