Not just a SyFy film, but a SyFy by ROGER CORMAN? In the words of ATHF's Carl: Awesome. Awesome! FRIGGIN' AWESOME!
Looks funnier than most Will Farrell movies.
And you gotta love Eric Roberts (the mad scientist who creates the beast) cruising on his yacht as the thing terrorizes every body of water imaginable. Gee, I wonder what happens to him?
Finally hooked up the Wii to stream Netflix movies. The selection isn't the greatest, but it's enough to please the kids and provide the Sat afternoon or late night filler.
The thing I've noticed is it's best to fill out the instant queue from your computer...The Wii might show you season 3 of the Office, for instance, but not seasons 1-2 or 4+ even though they're otherwise available.
INCEPTION. IS. AWESOME. Seriously, I loved it. Lots of stuff going on but not as hard to follow as I feared it might be. Great action, great story, great effects, great everything.
INCEPTION. IS. AWESOME. Seriously, I loved it. Lots of stuff going on but not as hard to follow as I feared it might be. Great action, great story, great effects, great everything.
Just sifting through the layers of fantasy and reality requires a mental workout that may exhilarate you — or might make you simply tune out. Don’t see this movie when you’re less than fully alert. It’s cinematic advanced calculus that makes The Matrix look like first-grade arithmetic.
From the review by John Boot:
I like how almost all of the people commenting on that story say they wont see it because they dont want to see movies that make them think. Sad.
I like how almost all of the people commenting on that story say they wont see it because they dont want to see movies that make them think. Sad.
I really liked Inception. Knowing everything that happens, I still want to see it again at some point because I know there were so many visual effects that I missed!
By the way, kudos to Nolan for actually creating something we rarely see today: a stunning PG-13 movie.
I thought the rating was basically dead!
Pssst: The Prestige and The Dark Knight were also PG-13 (of course, directed by Nolan).
And I thought that the 3rd Star Wars movie (of the new set) was stunning, and that was somehow PG-13 (given the lava battle scene with Anakin, I thought that deserved an R using the MPAA's ratings guidelines).
Comic Book movies (i.e. Marvel) can almost always get a PG-13 rating depending on the level of violence.
It's OK those people already blew their money on seeing Marmaduke in 3-D.
Inception was outstanding. I'll fight anyone saying they hated it.
Has Kepler chimed in to tell us that Inception is horrible?
Armond White is a treasure. He's mastered the ability to troll the Internet on his own. Good for him.
As for Kepler, I'm anticipating him pooh-poohing this movie just to be different.