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You've lost credibility as soon as you said 'legitimate.' For every expert that says one thing there is another expert who refutes it. My family has seen firsthand the listing of a Covid death that most likely wasn't one and the health care workers in my family have seen the labeling of Covid deaths because of some symptoms not results. Those are not talking points. If anyone has a political agenda here it is you. My wife and I have worked through the entire pandemic out in the public and in her case face to face with actual Covid patients some of whom died. A complete lockdown is just as crazy as no restrictions at all. We need a balance here and if you take away everyone's livelihood there will be nothing left to go back to for many.
Sorry but, you actually can't find a "another" legitimate expert regarding this virus to counter every actual legitimate expert's opinion about any significant difference of opinion about any of the controversial aspects of it. I don't have time right now but, in the next couple days I'll respond with a list of the various disagreements about the virus; how it spreads, how best to limit that spread minus a vaccine, whether pursuing "herd immunity" without a vaccine makes sense, whether health care systems/individual doctors are labeling deaths as Covid that really aren't to increase profits, and any other significant debate/disagreement. I'll then list articles/commentary from as many legitimate experts I can find that support my opinion on each of those topics and, we'll see how many articles/comments from other legitimate experts that you can present that will refute the ones I provide. I'll guaran-f-ing-tee you your list will be FAR SMALLER than mine. My guess is, once you see my list, you won't even attempt to counter it.
As for my "political agenda"... For the record I have voted for the following people for president...Reagan in 84', Bush in 88', Perot in 92', wrote in Colin Powell in 96', Bush in 00', wrote in Powell again in 04', McCain in 08', then Obama in 12', and McMullin in 16'. I also served 20 plus years in the military, and owned a small business for 15 years. I had always considered myself center-right politically. However, after the last four years, I acknowledge that I now view the Republican Party as a legitimate cult who only care about protecting the 1%'s ability to maximize their already bloated wealth. The actions (or inactions) of Trump's administration are literally responsible for the deaths of of over 200,000 Americans. Especially when compared to how other democracies (Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, Canada and others) have faired in their responses. He is a literal war criminal and should be tried as such. Come on over to the "Cafe" and get yourself educated. You might be surprised about what you didn't know, just like I was.
To be clear, I'm not advocating the type of "complete" lockdowns of the spring. Although you're going to see some of those come back. However, canceling hockey or any other youth, high school, and college sports if they truly can't be played without contributing to measurably higher community infection, doesn't meet the definition of "complete lockdown". Also, as many in our country have argued since the first Covid relief package was passed back in March, we could do what a number of other industrialized democracies have done and do monthly UBI for every adult below a certain wealth threshold until we have a vaccine. Yes, pay people to stay home. Even that great bastion of "socialism", Mark Cuban advocates for this. So, to close, for every point you and others who don't think we can "shut things down" make, I have an equally intelligent (usually far more so) point that says we can.