I will not try to refute all your upcoming comments simply because I don't have time not because I can't. I am too busy working during this crisis and am often going to sleep by 7pm. However here you are comparing apples and oranges between countries. The United States is a highly mobile country and with densely populated centers much more so than Austrailia and Canada you try to compare us to. South Korea and Taiwan border on China and needed to insulate themselves from the threat that originated from nearby China. The 1% you talk about is now mostly from Amazon, Facebook, and the Silicon Valley billionaires, hardly friends of Trump. That liberal talking point is fast becoming old. Your past votes do not portray your current agenda which is clearly in line with the hate cult that the Democratic Party has become. I am not a Republican either but I do know more about Communism than 99% do. The agendas going through our education system have poisoned most of our youth and likely will lead us somewhat in that direction. It will takes years if not centuries to correct those mistakes. Covid has been a great cover for it too. With all the experts weighing in on what should be done they have failed to enforce the simplest and most effective way to control the spread and that is not mask wearing and social distancing but rather making sure anyone sick is isolated and kept from going out to shop or work. Employers should be encouraging sick calls instead of trying to keep their offices fully staffed. The mask wearing while a good idea is no defense against a true carrier of Covid. Most times there are outbreaks it is because of a single sick person in a crowd of people. You don't need an expert to tell you that.
Wow, lot's to respond to....I guess I'll just take'em in chronological order...
BC/HE...first, you're flat out wrong that mask wearing by 95 plus percent of the population, combined with proper social distancing, is THE most effective way to limit the spread prior to a vaccine. Even Trump's own experts are saying that. Still, you then said, "With all the experts weighing in on what should be done they have failed to enforce the simplest and most effective way to control the spread and that is not mask wearing and social distancing but rather making sure anyone sick is isolated and kept from going out to shop or work."
This seems to indicate that you lay the majority of the blame on the science/medical experts for not somehow "forcing" people with symptoms to stay home if they home". Not sure how the scientists/experts are supposed to do that since they're not responsible for passing laws or issuing emergency orders. Also, with 40% being asymptomatic, how do you propose making those folks stay home when they aren't showing symptoms and, there aren't enough tests or, it takes 4-7 days to get results even if they do get tested because they think they may have been exposed?
As for my past votes indicating where my current political beliefs and opinions stand, my point in listing who I'd voted for nationally prior to 2020, was simply to point out that for the vast majority of my adult life, I had essentially been a dyed in the wool Republican. However, when the electorate of this country somehow elected Trump, along with the developing cult following for him despite his obvious lack of ability and character for the job, my eyes became opened to new and better information.
The problem "you guys" have with the Cafe is your positions lack any legitimate credibility and actual proof that your beliefs stand up to any sort of evaluation. Thus, you slide over there every once in awhile to lob a lure in the water to see if anyone bites but, the moment they do your trolling attempt gets shot down so quickly that you turn tail and run. For instance, I challenged Chuck on how he talks out of both sides of his mouth in regards to saying stay at home orders are bad because of the unintended consequences but, when I argue we might need to pause sports for awhile for the betterment of our overall society, he responds by saying the "rest of us" shouldn't have to suffer so, just keep all of the elderly and infirmed locked up in their places of living until we have a vaccine. Notice how he never addressed that specific point? Why? Because he knows he can't. So, he simply pretends it was never brought up and goes straight to an ad hominem attack. Notice also how I never do that. I'll debate you with facts and experience till the cows come home but, I won't personally attack you unless you do it to me first and, usually multiple times.
Finally, I agree with you about employers allowing paid sick leave for Covid. That would definitely help. However, you're simply not correct about the effectiveness regarding mask use. If worn properly, even in the presence of someone shedding virus, there's a very good chance you won't catch it.