Nothing is changing between now and January 1. Either you have a plan to play or you don't. College football and basketball are carrying on. There's nothing wrong with trying to move ahead.
Nothing at all. Except this isn't just about you getting to watch someone smack a puck around the ice. Unless you want to be around them daily, at the same risk they are... (GAHHHHHH!!)
This impacts way more than that. Staff have families. Most schools have no plan to take care of staff if they need to quarantine or isolate. There is no plan to take care of them if they get really sick. These players are not in a bubble. They are out in the real world, exposed, and depending on the situation it is a cf with people in apartments, dorms etc.
They are transporting a very large group of people including players, managers, trainers (and the bus driver) from areas of high infection rates to other areas of high infection rate. All these areas are requiring quarantine- they have an exception that is not medically supported. THey are then mixing this large group with another large group as well as putting them in with facility staff. The league does not require face coverings. They are optional. Watch some game film. Scary. They are up close and personal, breathing hard. What could go wrong? The current conversion time for tests is between 4-7 days with 5-6 days being the most common. They have scheduled games closer than that window.
Testing is not a prevention. It is only identification. Currently most players are getting tested only 3 times a week. Providence is a cluster. They have been out 3 times and still whining about being safe
I am the wife of one of the staff. The team is currently shut down. Depending on what happens this may put us in quarantine- income loss- and we get the added bonus of hoping we don't have to rearrange the house to accommodate isolating him. That isn't even considering what happens if he or any of us get really sick (I work in medicine and I can tell you the bills are horrendous and to get things covered is a full time job).
SO while all of you are happily in your world telling folks to get over themselves, stop complaining because not everyone gets sick, my world is not safe. I have no way to protect us. The ADs and the Commish are in their bunkers letting the peons take the risks. And the fans get to pretend these people are just stats. It makes me bvll**** to see. There is no medically sound way to proceed with play at this time unless you are going to put them in a legit bubble. THe NFL tests 7 days a week and still sucks.
So before you blather on about people should suck it up- why don't you try thinking about what that really means?