Re: Any chance the Penn State scandal has an impact on hockey?
well you have done it, you have finally written something that even I think is just plain dumb.
nobody is hoping that the NCAA usurps criminal law. piling on is not usurping.
I see no problem with the NCAA having their own contractual (and therefore civil) punishments.
Penn State does not have to belong to the NCAA. if Penn State wants to quit its ties with the Association, then the NCAA will have absolutely no power to do anything.... that is not usurpation of anything.
let me ask you this, though... when the state of California found OJ not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, did the Shapiros usurp CRIMINAL law when they sued him is civil court?...
(and the punchline of course is... then becoming the only Jew ever to be awarded a Heisman trophy)
Those who demand the NCAA punish PSU expect an athletic organization to usurp 4,000 years of criminal law. Criminal law, not the NCAA, will punish the guilty.
well you have done it, you have finally written something that even I think is just plain dumb.
nobody is hoping that the NCAA usurps criminal law. piling on is not usurping.
I see no problem with the NCAA having their own contractual (and therefore civil) punishments.
Penn State does not have to belong to the NCAA. if Penn State wants to quit its ties with the Association, then the NCAA will have absolutely no power to do anything.... that is not usurpation of anything.
let me ask you this, though... when the state of California found OJ not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, did the Shapiros usurp CRIMINAL law when they sued him is civil court?...
(and the punchline of course is... then becoming the only Jew ever to be awarded a Heisman trophy)