Interesting tidbit tucked into the Universities 10 year capital plan approved by the Regents today. Not one single dollar from non-state sources. Just like the Alaska Airlines Center. As I recall, revenue bonds from student fees paid for the UAF rec center years ago, and just recently UAF students had a fee surcharge applied to help pay for the new power plant, for heat & lights for which students were already paying for. I hope this doesn’t get any serious discussion in the next ten years except maybe as an example of audacity in austere times.
UAA Community Arena and Recreational Facility
FY22-FY26 (GF: $120,000.0, NGF: $0.0, Total:
Although the majority of UAA Athletic programs have relocated to the new Alaska Airlines Center (AAC) in 2014, the UAA Hockey Team locker rooms and practice ice rink remain in the Wells Fargo.
14 Approved as Amended by BOR 11/04/2015
FY2017-FY2026 Capital Budget Request Project Descriptions
Sports Center (WFSC) at the core of the UAA Campus.
The WFSC facility is designated for replacement by a new building accommodating Student Support Services and an expanded Student Union in the 2013 Campus Master Plan. A new facility will be required to support the UAA Hockey Team prior to the demolition of the WFSC facility. Additionally, due to concerns of holding matches at the multi-purpose, city-owned Sullivan Arena where UAA Hockey games now take place, the new UAA facility will incorporate a competition ice arena capable of seating 3000 to 4000 fans.