BTW in a move straight from the University of Wisconsin the Right was circulating pictures of Black MAGA signing up voters. One of the people had 3 arms because the picture was an AI photoshop!
That was amazing! The three armed man
They can do a better job messaging, no doubt. Why his staff didn’t have him out in Dearborn trying to listen to people woulda been a nice idea too
In Dearborn? If you think the protesters in Palo Alto were unhinged, imagine the reception he'd get in the largest Islamic community in the US.
You want regulations...take back the House and hold the Senate. Biden can't just unilaterally impose regulations otherwise my student loans wouldn't exist.
You are basically blaming the coach for decisions the GM made.
Running on a "lesser of two evils" strategy is NOT a long term winner.
I’m aware. I’m saying he should have been attempting to listen to those communities before they had a chance to launch their unhinged campaigns against him. He has an incredible ability to listen with empathy.
..consumer greed plays in as well. People buying things they don't need on credit and upgrading every chance they get.
In my defense, this is only the second presidential election I’m legally allowed to run in…But isn't this the way most voters have seen most presidential elections for a long time now? And I'm sorry but elections like 1992 or 2008 or most of the ones in my lifetime may have been a choice between "the lesser of two evils" but for the last 3 cycles now the choice has not been the lesser of two evils. It has been a choice between an actual traitor in every sense of the word as it pertains to American government and the ideals of this country, and someone who doesn't quite have all of the interests in the average American as their most important tasks.
I'd vote for some of you on this forum if it was a choice between you and Joe Biden (or Hilary Clinton). But none of you are running are you. The notion that anyone out there who is a woman, a racial, ethnic or religious minority, a working or middle class wage earner, a young person, a person with an emotional or physical difficulty, a person who believes in the potential of people, or pretty much anyone who isn't a bigoted, racist RICH white male could vote for anyone BUT Joe Biden this time around is nonsense. We live in a world where we often have very few choices. At least we have this one. Americans who DON'T see this are being willfully blind. Or they are racist white males. It's hard for me to have sympathy for any of them. In fact at some point it’s hard for me to see them as anything BUT the enemy.
You want to know the real cause of all this...things are finally catching up.
But isn't this the way most voters have seen most presidential elections for a long time now? And I'm sorry but elections like 1992 or 2008 or most of the ones in my lifetime may have been a choice between "the lesser of two evils" but for the last 3 cycles now the choice has not been the lesser of two evils. It has been a choice between an actual traitor in every sense of the word as it pertains to American government and the ideals of this country, and someone who doesn't quite have all of the interests in the average American as their most important tasks.
I'd vote for some of you on this forum if it was a choice between you and Joe Biden (or Hilary Clinton). But none of you are running are you. The notion that anyone out there who is a woman, a racial, ethnic or religious minority, a working or middle class wage earner, a young person, a person with an emotional or physical difficulty, a person who believes in the potential of people, or pretty much anyone who isn't a bigoted, racist RICH white male could vote for anyone BUT Joe Biden this time around is nonsense. We live in a world where we often have very few choices. At least we have this one. Americans who DON'T see this are being willfully blind. Or they are racist white males. It's hard for me to have sympathy for any of them. In fact at some point its hard for me to see them as anything BUT the enemy.
That is rather simplistic but not totally wrong. As I said The Boomers never saved for a rainy day and that is why people like my dad have to work along with collecting SS.
I work 3 jobs so I can live the life I lead and hopefully retire at a decent age.
I think the youth have no problem working...they just value themselves higher than most of us did. We were half with what we could get the people hiring controlled the game. That has shifted.
We are creeping back to a good foundation for a Middle Class...but there is work to be done. The problem is one party has no inclination to actually want to make any meaningful change.
And sorry Mookie but you are wrong.
I'm probably just getting cranky over it because I'm in my 60's, and candidly, getting real tired of people asking me, "so, when are you going to retire?"
Financially, could I quit and just live off of what I've saved? Sure. But I'm in good health. I don't wear glasses. I don't have hearing aids. I don't take any medications. All of my joints still work fine.
My wife and I are close friends with a couple that live just a few houses away. He retired from his corporate job about two years ago, and now, as the only member of the four of us still working, all I ever hear is "why don't you retire."
In the summer, he gets up and plays golf with the same three people he played with yesterday. Then I see him come home and wander around his yard picking up small branches that fell off his oak trees overnight. Then he spends two hours washing and detailing his car, for the third time that week.
FFS, how absolutely useless is that life?
I'm still consuming products on this planet. I'm eating food produced by society. I'm drinking clean water produced by society, and driving on roads maintained by society. I see no reason why I shouldn't grab a hold of an oar and keep the boat moving forward.
It really annoys me when people think there is some sort of god-given privilege to sit around and do nothing (not that you are doing it yourself).
The real cause of it is that people don't want to work, and furthermore, don't think they should have to work. There is a college hockey forum with an entire thread dedicated to that theme.
You spend the first 20 years of your life, minimum, as a freeloader in society. Now everyone thinks that they should be able to just quit contributing at 60 and spend the last 25 years of their life as a freeloader.
I have an idea for you. If you don't have any money, go get a job. Someone will pay you to work for them. All we're doing is adding available jobs for people in this country. Stop whining.
But at the same time, you have a ton of experienced people take on "consulting" roles after 50 that don't open up positions for people in their 20s-30s-40s. The workforce is currently top-heavy...
Not saying that you need to automatically step away on your 60th birthday. But staying on so you can have $2.3mil in your retirement account instead of $1.9 is a major problem.
You can always pick up a part time shift or two in a service job if you truly are bored.