She also said Texas has tbe right to secede...hey we agree on something!
She is so stupid...
She also said Texas has tbe right to secede...hey we agree on something!
She is so stupid...
And a fear-mongering liar who needs to be challenged by the media for saying “We’ve got an economy in shambles and inflation that’s out of control.” Make her own that claim in the face of a mountain of economic facts that say the opposite.
Maybe people need to learn how to manage their finances better. Live within their means.
Maybe people need to learn how to manage their finances better. Live within their means.
Maybe you and the wife shouldn't have squeezed out a couple pups if you can't support them.
Bootstraps, baby!!!
If things are so bad why not go to one of those countries where it is good! I will hang up and listen...
And that is what Joe needs to run on: I’ve given you the greatest economy EVER and you’re doing a **** job managing your finances.
My personal opinion is folks don’t have a lot of good options right now when it comes to housing, cars, food, insurance, utilities, etc. It is in no way Biden’s fault but telling people things are great when they aren’t isn’t the way to go.
Yea, things are great for households who are making $100k plus...
But reality is that in my part of the Chicago area, one used to be able to get by alone on about $42k somewhat comfortably. This was in 2018/19. Now in 2024, that number has crept up to about $50k or so.
IDGAF about the GDP when I'm staring at a grocery bill that has gone from $45-50/week to up around $100. Again, it's all corporate greed that is driving this.
This is the problem... This is starting to sound like "Trickle Down 2.0"... Someone needs to start explaining this in crayon before the D's burn some bridges that they really can't afford to lose.
And how can the Dems explain it any better than they have? Sorry but why was it 5 years ago all anyone cared about in the economy was the market, inflation and unemployment and now those are at ridiculous levels that isn't what anyone cares about?
It's not just corporate greed btw...consumer greed plays in a well. People buying things they don't need on credit and upgrading every chance they get.
We have spent 40 years destroying the Middle Class that took decades to build (often by the actions of the Middle Class acting against their own interests) and now the Dems are fixing it but they are being punished for not doing it fast enough? Sounds about right for this selfish azz country.
If people vote against Biden because of Inflation i rank it up there with Muslims voting against him over Israel or anyone due to his age. Next time you gane a complaint don't call me I will call you. I'm sure prices will drop under the GOP...and wages for sure will go up!
Maybe I should take the tact some do with abortion in Red States...if you can't live on your wage move or get a new job! (No I don't mean that)
Look, I'm aware of the circumstances that are causing the issue. The problem is that no one is speaking directly to the people that are currently hurting the economy. No regulations are being put in place to limit the corporate rape that is occurring. If you price people out of your game, eventually the bubble goes pop. Actively show that you're trying to help these people. Pass legislation that will help someone who is forced to buy food that is about to go out of date cause it's at a discount. Do something to allow people to put away part of their paycheck instead of needing to spend it all on essentials every week. Don't just say that the economy is doing great and point to Globex Corp. making $Texas as a reason for that.
You can't have people being able to afford X, Y, and Z and not expect them to get angry when they have those extra luxuries taken away.
It's like when pro sports teams price people out of the arena and then wonder why they can't build relationships with younger consumers who never had the experience of seeing a game live.
Running on a "lesser of two evils" strategy is NOT a long term winner.
Separate tangent here:
This has a lot to do with society. You have an entire generation that was told that if you rent outside of a major city, you're a loser. If you have a car that keeps falling apart, you're a loser. If you don't take vacations, you're a loser.
Society stigmatizes people not having money to burn. Because a generation of people realize they're effed on having a retirement fund, they have instead opted to "live in the moment" and enjoy some life experiences instead. You choose to have some fun now, cause when you're older w/o medical coverage and living off of ramen noodles, you're not gonna be able to do so.
This is another social norm that Boomers instilled here in the US and it's killing the middle class.