By Gabriel Vasichek (approx. 11 p.m. on Saturday, 2/28)
So we just had an update from the transplant surgeon. Everything went as good as could be expected, and Julianne has a beautiful new liver that is already producing bile. There is still a risk for post-surgery infection, that because of the nature of her surgeries is more than the usual risk. Instead of 5% chance of infection, it's more like 15-20%. So please keep holding her heart, mind and body in a healing space. It may take a day, two, or even up to a week for her to come back to consciousness after the long duration of sedation. I will continue to update you as we learn more or have new perspective. But in the mean time, a HUGE THANK YOU to the team of 8 surgeons and countless other assistants who have shown Julianne the ultimate standard in care and professionalism. Let me just say that it could have gone a number of other directions over the last couple of days, and I believe… no, I KNOW that your outpouring of love for Julianne is helping to keep her on the path back to vibrant wellness ∞