Re: 2012 Elections Part I: All Politics is Yokel
Besides the obvious (7 of 9 witnesses attempting to recant their testimony, needlessly killing people, etc.) there was one thing about this case yesterday that really bothered me. One of the prosecutors was quoted as saying "he's already had plenty of time to prove his innocence." huh? Do I need to be worried about continually documenting my innocence?
Actually, there were 34 witnesses, not nine. And then there's the little matter of a pair of Davis' shorts found soaked in the cop's blood. For some reason or another never mentioned by the PR types wanting this killer to be "spared." All I'm asking for here is a little intellectual honesty ("needless killing" kind of gives away the store). Are you still whining about Davis' "innocence," or are you arguing against capital punishment? If it's the latter, then why not say so up front? How much due process is enough? He had opportunity after opportunity (including two interventions by SCOTUS) to show there had been a miscarriage of justice. He didn't. He couldn't. As to "proving your innocence," don't be obtuse. He was indicted, tried and convicted. He was not selected randomly off the street.
In this case (as usual) the people in a position to know, federal and state judges and the Georgia Pardons Board, ruled against Davis. And the people furthest away, with the least knowledge, Bishop Tutu for instance, were convinced he was innocent. God bless Bishop Tutu, but he knew as much about this case as he does about flying a space shuttle, which is to say zero.
It's a perfectly honorable position to be against capital punishment--although I respectfully disagree. But I'm weary of anti-capital punishment types hoping against hope they've finally found the case of an "innocent" man about to be put to death. The larger objective, IMO, tends to cloud their judgement as to the actual facts of the case they're yammering about. And I suppose it would be dirty pool to point out your apparant lack of concern for that Texas monster who also got his last night. If you're against the death penalty, you should stand up for him too, shouldn't you? But in his case it's a teensy bit harder, isn't it?