Sing it out Arlo.I don't wanna pickle.
I just wanna ride my motercicle.
Ah yes. Nothing like a guy who claims freedom of religion means a town can vote to ban mosques and who would have a hard time having a non-christian (or jew, I suppose) on his staff.really liking Herman Cain.
Santorum, Huntsman, Johnson, Bachman, Paul!! - hit the road so the debates can be streamlined!!
You remember Alice? There's a song about Alice.Sing it out Arlo.
in a general election Perry can count on winning the McCain states and not much else.
I'm sure the liberal media will have a fit over this. No doubt in my mind.
You're funny. Flynt has been doing this for years. It's not longer news.
I see Republicans are trying to divert attention from booing a guy in the US Army though. Good luck with that. It happened live on Fox "News" so it's going to be kinda hard to explain away. I'm sure they'll try, but diverting attention first is a good strategery.
Link? I missed that one.
Look down(Post 1785)
As usual, you're ringing condemnation for political antics. You're so consistent.You're funny. Flynt has been doing this for years. It's no longer news.
Last night, Stephen Hill, who is serving in the Army in Iraq, had the courage to come out as gay to a national audience and ask the Republican presidential candidates about how they’d handle troops like him. The audience responded to his question with boos, and Rick Santorum said he’d reinstate Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (a promise he doubled down on later in the evening).
The big question today, even among conservatives, is: Why did none of the candidates stand up for the soldier? Here are some of today’s reactions to the offensive moment:
- Former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer: “Booing a soldier serving our nation is uncalled for. If I were on stage, I would make that point.”
- The Hill’s Ballot Box: “None of the Republican candidates responded to the audience’s reaction.”
- Christian Post: “Santorum, who has never served in the armed forces, did not address the boos, but explained his position by saying ‘sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military.’”
- National Review: “Whatever you think of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” or homosexuality, Hill is risking his life on behalf of his country. It is troubling, and revealing, that Santorum’s answer entirely defined Hill as a gay man first and as a soldier second, if at all.”
- GOProud: “Tonight, Rick Santorum disrespected our brave men and women in uniform, and he owes Stephen Hill, the gay soldier who asked him the question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal, an immediate apology. That brave gay soldier is doing something Rick Santorum has never done – put his life on the line to defend our freedoms and our way of life. It is telling that Rick Santorum is so blinded by his anti-gay bigotry that he couldn’t even bring himself to thank that gay soldier for his service.”
As usual, you're ringing condemnation for political antics. You're so consistent.
So you endorse what he did? Or is it just ok because he goes after people you don't like? Neither is a very flattering choice.Larry Flynt? Seriously? So the purveyor of trashy porn does something trashy, and you expect anyone to care?
Next you're going to tell me that the WBC has protested a funeral somewhere. Or that Al Sharpton is race baiting everyone. Or that Lucy got into wacky hijinx again trying to get into Ricky's show.