Beat me to it.
And it was almost 5-0. I'm not a big fan of Portugal, but I really want to N. Korea get crushed.
Now it's 5!
You'll get your wish fulfilled.
Wait, did you mean crushed as in "losing a lot of soccer matches by a very large score" or crushed as in "Kim Jong-Il is personally going to tighten the vice that crushes the feet of everyone on the Korea DPR team"?
Ducks on the pond!
Say, were you the guy in Korea? Are you still there now?
Bafana Bafana needs help. A lot of help. With the team holding just one point through two matches and needing to beat the French infants in their finale Tuesday, South Africa supporters are turning to desperate measures: burning, brewing and smoking muti (traditional medicine).
From the Sowetan newspaper:
Traditionalists believe a mixture of herbs, plants and animal parts, such as vulture brains and aloe, can be used to change luck, heal sickness or enhance performance. Sometimes muti contains human body parts.
"It will make Bafana strong," one citizen said.
Here you go, Pedro. One whole chicken, just like you said.
I TOLD you we should've got the LIVE chicken!
Here you go, Pedro. One whole chicken, just like you said.
I'm sure they're doing that in North Korea this week too, and they've already been eliminated.