I think this is a point where it can be asked if those plays (open ice checks) should continue to be legal at all. Remember, I've already stated that I didn't think that hit was dirty or illegal by the way the rules are now.
Before anyone goes all, "That's part of the game and makes it worth watching." and "Don't be a *****." and "You don't get hockey." think about it. And btw, I've been watching hockey and playing as long or longer than most of you, so don't throw that crap at me. Think about the subject matter.
These are the hits that we're (on USCHO) always having debates about and these are also the hits that often end in pretty severe injuries. I get that they're not the only hits that do (Marvin obviously comes to mind), but they seem to be the worst including in the NHL - think the Hossa play last year and several already this year.
Wouldn't bother me to see these taken out of the game and for those of you who would claim that it would ruin the game, how many of these do you even see each year? Maybe one every 4 or 5 games. Would hardly ruin the game.
No player, whether on scholarship, paid millions or playing youth bantam should have an injury like this on a play that's within the rules. High school players shouldn't be subject to these hits simply to satisfy the bloodlust of adults who remember the good ol' days and don't want their game "ruined" or "pussified."
I don't expect anything to change, but it certainly wouldn't bother me or ruin the game for me if it did. Hockey at it's core in skate, pass, shoot. I appreciate a player who can execute a skilled angle to stop a rush as much or more than these big yard sale hits.
Then again, I know what those feel like when they don't separate one's sternum, so can only imagine.
Hope he recovers well.