Are the cis okay?
A lot of Whitney Houston this morning; thinking of performing to "I Will Always Love You" at my next drag performance.
Heard "More Human Than Human" on the classic rock station.
If you need me, I will be taking ibuprofen for my back and laying down.
I seriously listened to Turn On the Bright Lights by Interpol today for the first time in awhile.
Lyrically, it's still a masterpiece and holds up well.
Funny. I listened to it straight through on a recent road trip for work. Still holds up!!
Friends!!! I saw Living Colour last night for the first time in 30 years…
omg, they kicked so much *** it was incredible.
they played several songs off each of their first 3 LPs, and bassist Doug Wimbish, who was a session musician prior to going LC for the 3rd LP, led a section where they covered “White Lines” and “The Message” …Wimbish recorded with Grandmaster Flash, The Sugar Hill Gang, etc.
these guys didn’t just write great songs they are MONSTER musicians. And Corey Glover’s voice is incredible. Sounds exactly as it did in the early 90’s!!! I would bet he avoided the traps that ruined other people’s voices (smoking, excess drinking, etc)…if you have a chance I highly recommend seeing them. This was exactly what I needed to see and hear from a band that inspired me when I was in college.
Will Calhoun was a judge/instructor/presenter at a Minnesota Percussion Association symposium back when I was in high school, and everyone was an immediate fan. Not only incredible with Living Colour and Jungle Funk, but also numerous jazz and blues albums with greats like B.B. King, Jaco Pastorius, Wayne Shorter, and more! The man is a beast back there.
Felt the need to listen to OK Computer and Kid A by Radiohead.
I think Radiohead's "The National Anthem" >>> the one written by Key.
Felt the need to listen to OK Computer and Kid A by Radiohead.
I think Radiohead's "The National Anthem" >>> the one written by Key.