There is a way to go about such things, and a way NOT to go about such things. I found (and still find) it distasteful. What "spoke volumes" was BC's decision to go with Coach Brown instead of Luce two years ago, because I'm sure the BC hiring committee (which IIRC included Jerry York) had to know of Luce's self-promotion narrative at the expense of York, didn't like it, and gave the job to Coach Brown instead. For me, bravo BC.
But still NOT the primary issue from which my lasting dislike of the man arises. Not to put too fine a point on it, but since you seem to not have gotten my gist in my latest posts ... someone else has mentioned a specific incident that goes back not too long after the 2001 BC title which I shall not belabor. Other than to say that Luce's comments and conduct afterwards - as multiple sourced from people IN the BC camp, people outside the BC camp (opposition) and people with Hockey East (!) had all confirmed for me at the time. A lot of subsequent comments and conduct by Luce fell in line with the initial reporting, which I found/still find highly credible.
Now if I ran with the story then, the details likely would have exposed my sources, which is probably why they didn't go with the story on their own. Promises of confidentiality to the sources made my situation a non-starter ... but it does not prevent me from forming my own opinion, nor from sharing that I do have a strong opinion on the topic. Logue and York could personally vouch for the guy to me (neither has to date BTW!) but that wouldn't change my opinion.
Using the moniker Luce Canaan also appropriately distances legitimately good guys like York and Logue from some of the conduct their colleague was attached to. And while I always expect a long-time BC guy like "Nick" to bust my chops if/when given an opportunity to do so ... one thing he cannot discount is that my overall perception of BC Hockey has changed favorably over the years, especially once Luce left town, and then double down on that when he was deemed persona non grata when York's replacement was decided. Again ... bravo BC.
With all due respect to Mrs. Canaan three posts above ... you don't have to like and/or agree with my opinion, but do not discount that it is well-founded and (IMO) well-deserved. And the only person who's been "outed" in the process over the last 10+ seasons has been Luce himself, who is nothing more than a grossly overpaid, mediocre D-1 coach and a mere inconsequential shadow of the guy he constantly knee-capped for years on the QT. I suspect even my old frenemy Nick would agree with some/most of that. Karma, as they say, is a ...