Ok, enough about Luce. We will not see him and his Yukon team again this season, unless we return to Storrs for a HEA play-in (first round) game in March, which would be a sad commentary on our team’s fortunes over the next two months.
Also, a disclaimer on the above the contest, as Chuck never agreed to buy a beer at Libby’s for the contest winner. That was meant to be an inside joke. Neither did HR, although she has been the only one to reply to the contest so far, expecting a free beer just for being first to reply without actually trying to solve the mysterious puzzle. In the way of hints, the rankings are derived by dividing a team’s number that we hear bantered about all the time, even during the early season now, into another number that can be gleaned by perusing other HEA threads besides this one.
I figure it has something to do with posts on team threads, or number of posters on team threads, or some such thing.
Of course the UNH thread has turned into a UConn thread or a BC thread recently so that muddies the waters a bit.