you know what, enough already
I don't want to keep hearing about how we're doomed. If we don't play like we did last week then we don't have much of a chance of going anywhere... that's true... but I'm still going to hope that this team, or any team is going to find a way to pull it off. I am sick of hearing how the Big 4 is going to beat us senseless and how that the other 5 teams are looking awfully good this year. How we can't go into this place or that place and ever come out winning. With that kind of fatalism around... seems like we automatically give ourselves 15 losses in a year before we do anything else.
Even if this Lowell team is not as good as the other teams there is no sure thing in this sport. You know if you're always looking for excuses to fail you'll find them every single time. Why do we buy into this crap that we're destined to fail like its a cultural expectation? Nuts to that.