Now that I'm home... and before I do the responsible thing and sleep...
1) Thought having the gift shop in the entrance corner works the best given that we closed off the arena with the talon club or whatever we call it these days.
2) I need to replace that scarf I got way way back (2006?) with something new but that scarf was the best scarf and still is. Between losing that and losing my worcester ice cats jersey I'm not sure which annoys me more. My UConn hooded sweatshirt at least was outright stolen.
3) We sell game worn jerseys. We put them on a rack. We put the rack behind a table. Fine. We should list the players and years. We should list the price.
4) Long running argument about banners, I lost that one 5+ years ago... whatever.
5) Other fan chants and traditions fall away when the students lose their interest. I've never been a leader despite my desire but then again this team didn't give me the enthusiasm to even try. I guess being away I still think like I did when I was in my 20s and feeling that I/we are as much as a part of the environment as the players.
6) Student showing for a game over break should be considered a rank failure. I get that its over break, there should at least be a small handful.
7) But i get why enthusiasm is down. I think a lot of the players care, my in person comparisons to 03-04 aren't entirely fair. I think it is in some ways fair. I won't even call it lackadaisical in some ways, there's a lack of purpose. Intent. Desire. You saw it in AIC tonight. We have the better capacity but the team across the whole lacks heart. I think some players have it but there's a type of integrity and gritty attitude that was visually lacking. Is that Norm's fault managing psychology? Wrong players on campus? I don't know. There seems to be a lack of drive involved.
8) These jerseys and the nameplates. I get we're hamstrung by the forced use of the "UMass" moniker but its been a number of years now. We need to have a better look for godsake... but looking at the gameworns this isnt a new issue. Still ugly.
9) When I found out the price of the gameworns I did tell others. They blanched. I thought it was a reasonable price. $250. I don't know if that was each one or specific ones but if I didn't dislike our own jerseys so much I would have probably picked one up. Its about time i gave the program some kind of money. Guilty. I even got todays ticket comped at the door.
10) Thought about hanging out at the skate and see if they'd let me in/on with broomball shoes but when I realized how many kiddies where there I knew it wasn't my place. Plopped over to Modest Roots then left around 9PM... got home around 4:20. I miss being up there but I feel time and life have passed me by. Suppose that's the way it goes. Its funny when you fall back into certain places you return to certain mindsets. I came out of Lowell in 2004 fairly positive and while I didn't have it together per se I knew it was coming together... I'm not going to get into the last 20 years but its nice having some of those feelings back.
11) Pep band did solid as usual. May some things never change.