Important reasons to get rid of gophers:
•Gopher holes are just the right size for twisting the ankles of man or beast (such as cattle and horses).
•Their tunnels undermine trees, sometimes to the point of toppling.
•They eat roots, stems, bark, leaves, fruit, and vegetables. There goes the garden, the landscaping, and the trees.
•Predators will follow gophers; weasels, skunks, badgers, coyotes, poisonous snakes, bobcats and foxes all prey on them and will enter yards or golf course in search of a meal. As they hunt the gopher they will dig like a dog, further tearing up the grass, lawn and landscaping.
•They chew into water lines and telephone cables, causing flooding and interruption of service.
•They uproot sprinkler system heads and their tunnels warp underground water lines.
•They damage dams and retention ponds by chewing through pond liners, causing flooding.
•Gophers will decimate rose bushes.
•Dirt mounds cause wear and tear to the lawnmower blades. Plus, rocks come up with the dirt and can be flung by the lawnmower.
•They bring insect pests such as lice, fleas, ticks and mites.
•They carry and spread diseases such as monkey pox and rabies.
•They cause erosion.
How to recognize a gopher problem:
•Fan-shaped piles of dirt or sand in the yard, as though someone randomly emptied a bucket of freshly dug dirt or sand
•Holes in turf or spongy spots
•Trees appear to be dying of thirst because they are. Gophers will eat tree roots, cutting off their access to water and nutrients.
•Trees are undermined and fall over
•Roots, bark, stems, leaves, fruit, or vegetables disappear from the lawn and garden
•Your dog is may dig and tear up the yard more than normal. A dog will smell and hear the rodent and try to find it.
•These signs may be seen at any time of year.