New member
So what about the 5 series threads before that that you walked into?
And believe it or not, this thread was actually hockey talk yesterday!
I'm sure I've explained this to you before, but I'll go ahead and do it again anyway because you seem to need validation.
I was born and raised in Saint Cloud. Left for college. Came back to work here this year. While I'm far from a fan and maintain a general dislike for the team, I still follow them and enjoy going to the games since it's a close place to watch college hockey. So I follow their threads as well.
Last week I was summoned by you and your ilk. I was planning on avoiding any hockey talk last week as I was heading out on vacation. But who am I to deny my presence when requested. On a side note regarding my predictions, I've been 1 point off the past two weeks. Didn't you predict a split last week?
The previous threads I came in to throw down my prediction and simply responded to your fans' posts. YOU certainly have NEVER ventured into another team's threads, right?
So your move, shall we continue to discuss the two schools and their hockey teams or would you like to know more about me?