Already insane, UAA making it worse
Butters Bottom B*Woodland Critters Christmas
both are at the top for me
Stanley's Cup
Are mine.
Butters Bottom B*Woodland Critters Christmas
both are at the top for me
The new Law & Order starts tonight on NBC at 8.
I thought Anal Probe was their defining moment.
I was mildly surprised that the History Channel series Abraham Lincoln did not disappoint, and if it was as close to accurate as can be I actually learned a few things.
Good tip, I will check it out. Thanks! How did you feel about the DDL movie?
I was riveted by DDL's Lincoln and when DVDs were still a thing bought a copy. The actor that plays Lincoln here does a very fine job even if one were to compare which is pretty high praise.
I didn't watch it. This prob sounds weird but I was watching an older episode on Sundance(Can't get enough of Lenny Briscoe). I did tape it though and I found out that any episode on BBC, Sundance, and WE also gets recorded. :/ Wasn't really a fan of Roache or Anderson but could put up with Sisto that the episodes they were on the last coupla years. Kinda surprised about Donovan because I enjoyed Burn Notice too and I've liked Manheim in some of the shows I've seen her. We'll see what happens. I hope the whole season doesn't turn out like the last episode of the Sopranos as in w*f(!).I've been counting the days till the premiere. I was....somewhat disappointed. Maybe I was expecting too much? To start, the fucked with the opening them song. Why??? Jeffrey Donovan, who I absolutely LOVED in Burn Notice, was so wooden and he had some sort of affectation to his voice that bugged. I liked Camryn Manheim. Hoping she gets better. On the Order side of the house - maybe it's my deep and abiding fangirling love over Linus Roache but Hugh Dancy as the EADA just did nothing for me. I know he's been in a ton of things and is supposedly super talented but he was just...boring. I did like the female assistant ADA. However, they didn't give her much to do. Previous Assistant ADAs are out there investigating, talking to people, working with the cops. But nothing like that from her. I'm hoping this was just pilot jitters and they get into a groove as the season goes on. I'll continue to watch because I'm a Law & Order geek.
I was mildly surprised that the History Channel series Abraham Lincoln did not disappoint, and if it was as close to accurate as can be I actually learned a few things.
If only there was some way to get it on 7.Weird? I plan my week around Law & Order reruns.Not only Sundance (starting today at 1:00pm!) and WE, but BBC America every Wednesday. It's on 6 days a week!
Mulaney on SNL was fantastic.
Mulaney on SNL was fantastic.